Climate change adaptation, mitigation and sustainability

Sustainable agriculture and community forestry are powerful strategies for conserving the abundance of natural resources in Cameroon and the Central African Sub Region.

ADAS has supported research and initiatives on REDD+ and sustainable forestry management practices in the Sub Region. We also partner with farming communities to build climate-resilient, sustainable agriculture landscapes. And we have been supporting the Government, Civil Society and private sector organizations in mainstreaming sustainability in projects and activities as well as building capacity and supporting them to plan, access, implement, monitor and evaluate and report on climate finance and climate action to enhance adaptation and resilience in the Sub Region

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Following a detailed internal review, the African Development Association (ADAS) has refocused its work to facilitate WASH, cookstoves, climate change and renewable energy projects and initiatives especially for last mile and rural communities and to support community resilience in the affected parts of Cameroon, S.W. Chad, S.E. Niger, N.E. Nigeria and CAR; and to partner with organizations and communities on action research on climate change and fostering sustainable development. We will do this through our flagship programmes for 2020 to 2023: