Conflict reduction, conflict management and resilient societies

Around 17 million people live in areas affected by the violent conflict between non-state armed groups and military forces in the Lake Chad region, which has spread across Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria. More than 2.3 million people have been forced from their homes and remain displaced today.
The conflict has had a particularly damaging effect on the mental health of displaced people and those still living amid the violence.

ADAS  has seen an increasing need for mental health support since the start of the conflict. Even in places where violence may have decreased, the consequences of displacement, hopelessness and despair continue to affect people’s lives and can lead to chronic mental health problems.

Part of ADAS’ activities in the region is aimed at reducing the psychological suffering of people caught in the Lake Chad conflict. Many are in need of psychological support having experienced violence, witnessed atrocities, or lost family members and belongings, whether as displaced people, as refugees or in their local communities.

More recently with the Anglophone crises in Cameroon, more than 160,000 people have been displaced, dozens killed and attacked as tensions are rising in the South-West and North-West Regions of Cameroon. A total of 3.5 million inhabitants are affected by this crisis – 16% of Cameroon population. Women and girls are particularly affected by violence. More than 40 schools have been attacked by armed groups and for nearly two years access to school for youths and children has been highly disrupted. The economic situation is going through a major decline in these regions. Many have lost family members and basic belongings. They need a safe place to stay, food, clean water, medical assistance and psychosocial support. They also urgently need protection and support for economic and educational recovery. ADAS has been working actively to meet some of those needs.

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Following a detailed internal review, the African Development Association (ADAS) has refocused its work to facilitate WASH, cookstoves, climate change and renewable energy projects and initiatives especially for last mile and rural communities and to support community resilience in the affected parts of Cameroon, S.W. Chad, S.E. Niger, N.E. Nigeria and CAR; and to partner with organizations and communities on action research on climate change and fostering sustainable development. We will do this through our flagship programmes for 2020 to 2023: